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What Is Bancatakaful?

What is Bancatakaful?

The sale of certificates through banks is called Bancatakaful. It is an arrangement under which a bank acts as an agent of the insurance company, so that the insurance company can sell its certificates to the bank's client base using the bank's network.

Bancatakaful was launched in Adamjee Life Assurance under the Window Takaful Operations and has bloomed substantially since its incorporation. All of the certificates proposed under agreements with banks are completely Shariah compliant with funds that are regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan and audited by KPMG Taseer Hadi and Co. Chartered Accountants.

Adamjee Life’s Bancatakaful Partners

     • MCB Islamic Bank Ltd.

     • Faysal Bank Ltd.

     • Dubai Islamic Bank Ltd.

     • Askari Islamic Bank Ltd.

To get more information on our Bancatakaful certificates, visit our Window Takaful Operations on the website and view all the certificates being offered in this category. For further information, you may call your respective bank or our Adamjee Life helpline at 021-111-11-(LIFE)5433


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